Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The other day, I was watching this movie with Isaac:

when all of the sudden I felt something.

For the past few weeks, I've been paying special attention to little movements in my body, hoping to pin anything of them on this munchkin inside of me. But none of them were definite. Though I've never felt a baby kick before, I somehow knew what it should feel like.

So when our little munchkin decided to grace us with his/her presence the other night, I knew.

I felt a strong little tap on my lower tummy. I kinda jumped and then looked up to Isaac. The room had a few others in it, but I wanted this moment to be just Isaac and I's.

I whispered to him, "I just felt the baby kick!" and he asked me, "Really? Where?"

I moved his hand to my tummy where I had just felt the kick, and right then, I felt another one. I jumped again and he smiled. He knew he wouldn't be able to feel it yet, but he was excited to watch my expressions. I felt the baby 2 or 3 more times in that same spot before he/she moved.

It was the neatest and craziest thing to be able to feel someone moving inside of me, really a surreal experience.

Isaac later said that when I initially told him that the baby had moved a wave of panic came over him. Suddenly, this little thing that is making my belly get bigger is actually a moving, interacting human being. The reality of my pregnancy hit him a little more. He did say, however, that the panic was quickly replaced with peace and reassurance, and he knew that it will be ok, that we can do this.

Since then, I've felt the baby moving more often. I can feel him/her more when I'm relaxing because I can pay attention to the movements more. But I have yet to feel the baby quite as strongly as I felt him/her that night. I attribute this to the fact that the baby is either a girl, and she wanted to make her positive opinions about Jane Austen known, or it's a boy, and he was getting really bored.

I mostly look forward to the time when Isaac will be able to feel our munchkin moving as well. It's always more fun to share things like that with him.

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