Thursday, February 18, 2016

February Update

Once again, I've let a while go by without updating my blog. I dunno why it's harder for me these days. I would love to start giving more updates about what our family is up to and the various goings-on of ours lives. So I guess I'll start there!

Christmas was awesome and exhausting. We got to go to my little brother's wedding in Texas and it was really fun getting to see my family and hang out with them for a while.

After Ethan's wedding, we drove back up to Utah and spent Christmas as my grandmother's house. By Christmas day, we were so ready to be home after over 2 weeks of travel, so we said "peace out" and headed back to our cozy little house. It's funny how much I missed our house while we were gone.

Since then, we've been settling back into a new semester for Isaac. It's his last semester of his undergrad career and we are both very excited. It's taken Isaac a while to get here and he's done some really incredible things. This semester he is working as hard as ever, taking 18 credits, working part time, and founding the BYU Humanitarian Club. 

(At the first, official BYU Humanitarian Club Meeting)

I sometimes just sit back and look in awe at his awesomeness. But really, though. He's pretty amazing. I don't know how he does it all.

This semester (when do you stop thinking in terms of semesters?) is a lot more relaxed for me. I finished teaching my online course for BYU-Idaho in December and I am done with that forever. I understand why it would be appealing to some people, but it was definitely not the thing for me.
It was interesting during the course of 2 semesters of teaching, to learn that just because I "can" do something as the strong, powerful, competent woman that I am, doesn't mean that I "have" to do something or even "should" do it. There will always be many good opportunities out there, but I have to weigh the costs of everything. That class was taking way to much time during my day which made it harder for me to play with my boys and be the type of wife/mother I wanted to be. So it's gone now, and I'm loving it. 

I have been putting more energy into my private practice and developing myself more as a therapist, so that has been refreshing and intimidating all at once. There are so many directions you can chose to go as a therapist that really the possibilities are endless. What theory do I chose? Do I chose more than one? Should I get certified in anything, like play therapy, EMDR, etc? How many hours should I work each week? Is everything I'm doing even legal? lol But one day at a time, my identity as a therapist is beginning to take shape. I'm slowly becoming more confident when I tell people what I do. I'm slowly realizing because the possibilities are endless, I can do some awesome things with this career. It's a good feeling to be headed in that direction.

Beyond career work, I have been training for a half marathon. Maybe someday I will write a blog post about my running journey because I feel like it needs its own post. But for now, let me say that I have discovered a part of myself through running that I never knew existed. It's a safe haven for me from my never ending struggle with anxiety. I'll just leave it there for now.

So overall, things are headed in a positive direction. Isaac will graduate at the end of April and then we'll be moving across the country to Chicago. We are both very excited for that move, but we are dreading the fact that we will have to leave Isaac's family behind. Our boys 100%, completely, and totally adore Isaac's family. I don't know what we will do without them. It will be quite an adjustment all around but adventure awaits and it will be excited to see what comes our way. 

Hopefully I can begin updating more regularly and keep up to date on all of our adventures.

Sam drew a person (on the right) for the first time the other day. He made it a "grumpy" person and thought it was hilarious.

At our favorite children's museum. 

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