Friday, August 24, 2012

A Pregnant Woman's Schedule

12am- wake up to turn to my other side, adjust pillows

2am- wake up again to turn to my other side, hold numb arm in the air for a little bit to get rid of tingles, adjust pillows

4am- wake up, go to the bathroom, maybe eat some apple sauce or a granola bar, go back to bed, adjust pillows, try to turn off my mind enough to go back to sleep

6am- wake up, turn over, stretch cramps out of both legs, find pillows that are now all over the bed and floor and adjust

8-9am- get out of bed and immediately eat breakfast before my stomach decides it might as well eat itself or my offspring.

9-10am- Shower, take a break, brush hair, take a break, put on make-up, take a break.

10-11am- decide what productive thing I can get done today, ultimately end up on Facebook and Pinterest

11-1pm- eat again and call it an early lunch so I don't feel bad, bring on the Tums, attempt to clean something, take a break

1-5pm- get something done, anything that I can cross off of a list to make me feel better about my day, take lots of breaks, eat snacks, and prop feet up often, order more stuff for the baby off of Amazon

5-8pm- attempt to fix dinner for a hungry husband, eat dinner, Tums, take a break, make a list of all of the things I still need to get done before this baby comes, feel good about making more lists

8-10pm- prop chubby, monster-feet up and take a break, wish I had gotten more done with my day, research every possible symptom that could mean I'm going into labor, cuddle with my husband, and get a foot massage

10:30pm- go to bed, and repeat steps from the day before

That about sums it up. Although pregnancy has been easier than I anticipated, it definitely has its moments. It drives me crazy that I can't even get through something as simple as brushing my hair without being completely winded and needing to sit down. I know I have curly, unruly hair, but let's be honest, it shouldn't be that hard.

Each day, I wake up thinking, "One day closer until I get to meet him. One day closer to not being pregnant any more." It keeps me going.

I'm sure all of you fellow mothers can relate, or may have had it worse. To the mothers who are pregnant while having little ones at home to watch over, I salute you. It always makes me smile when mothers with 3 or 4 small children ask how I'm doing. When I say something like, "I'm tired." They all empathetically nod, but inside I'm thinking, "Not as tired as you, though, so what am I complaining about!?" I seriously don't get how women do this over and over, especially with little ones needing their time and attention.

I'm sure I'll be there someday, but for now, I'm focusing on just getting through these last few weeks, one break-filled, lazy day at a time.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

4D Videos of our Little Guy

I finally got my 4D ultrasound CD to work. I'm super pumped. I love watching these.
Moving his arms. 

Playing with his feet.

Early Morning Thoughts

This morning I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. Aside from the fact that I had to use the bathroom and my stomach was trying to eat itself, I couldn't make my mind slow down.

These days its hard not to anticipate what it will be like when my son comes. I find myself using my spare time to just fantasize about him. As I lay in bed trying to close my mind back down so I could get those last couple hours of sleep, I couldn't help but run through the picturesque moments in my head.

The moment I get to see him for the first time. The first time I hold him. The first time I'm able to sooth him back to sleep. The first time I understand what he is crying for. Watching his daddy hold him and kiss him. Crying because I have no idea what I'm doing and hoping he understands.

I picture sitting in his nursery, just watching him sleep, marveling that he's mine.

I'm sure all of these moments will be surrounded by harder, more stressful ones. But for now, it's fun to think of what it will be like.

As of last Friday, I am an official stay-at-home mom. :-) Well, I guess right now, I'm technically only a stay-at-home wife, but still. It's been fun to be back at home during the day.

Just in the last few days, with no work schedule to distract me, a fundamental truth as struck me. This is where I belong. I belong at home.

I didn't expect that. I expected to feel relaxed because finally I have the time I need to get all of those household chores done, but in only a few days, I've come to realize how comfortable I feel here.

I love staying at home.

I love that I can go grocery shopping, do the dishes, and clean the living room. I love getting things ready for our little guy and anticipating him crawling around on my newly vacuumed floors. I love that I'll have the time I need for those things.

I've found as I've embraced this inherent role, I am much happier. I feel so much peace. I've also found that I continue to become more and more grateful for the husband that I have. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to stay home because he works so hard. We work as a team, and I couldn't do my part without him.

I know a few months from now I may be writing another blog entry about how I "just need to get out of the house," but for now, I'm treasuring the time I have here.

It's interesting to me that when we live what the Gospel has asked us to live, at least as much as our circumstances allow, we are happier. There is peace in being where you are suppose to be.

Beyond getting ready for our little munchkin, Isaac and I are both starting school at the end of the month. I'm excited to see what grad school has to offer. Part of me wonders if Grad School at Tech will be easier than my undergraduate at BYU, but we'll have to see.

Anyway, I'll be sure to keep the blog as updated as possible as the time draws nearer for our little guy to make his appearance. I can't believe I'm already 34 weeks along and that he's coming so soon. Life in the Olive household is about to drastically change and we are excited and quite nervous about it all.