Last weekend we spent a wonderful few days with Papa Olive and other of Isaac's relatives. Everyone is coming from all over to see him since he's been moved to the nice hospice place. It was emotionally draining and spiritually uplifting. We were so glad to be able to spend that time with everyone.
This week, we may go crazy.
With the past weekend and all that it implies weighing heavily on Isaac and I's mind, we enter this week of madness. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
1. Isaac's birthday and my brother's Endowment are on Saturday. Both of
these things are great things and I'm really excited for them. We also
have Father's Day on Sunday, which should be good.
2. I work 3 doubles this week. Originally, when I agreed to do this I didn't know about many of the items listed below. This means that for 3 days this week, I will be working 10-11 hour shifts.
3. We are moving. We are very excited to move given previous events, but moving is no *insert cliche phrase here*.
4. With moving comes packing and renting Uhaul trucks as well as signing a new lease and breaking a current one. Not to mention the cleaning and unpacking that will come soon thereafter. As much as I adore organizing (which seriously, I really do like it), I'm dreading the mass of organizing coming our way.
5. Did I mention that we're speaking on Sunday? Isaac and I have both been asked to speak on the importance of Fatherhood. So somewhere in the mix of moving, working, and sleeping we have talks to write.
6. We're trying to sell a bunch of furniture. Some very generous donors have given us several great furniture pieces that we don't need. We've gladly accepted them, thinking we'd have time to sell them. Currently, though, the entire nursery is packed with extra furniture, so much so that we have about 5 totes sitting in our living room right now. The idea was to have a garage sale before we move, but it's looking like that won't happen at this point. So we're putting them up on Craigslist.
7. I'm 6 months pregnant and it's hot in our house. 'Nough said.
It seems like things like this tend to come in waves. When trials/ stresses come, they all come at once. I can feel my stomach starting to hurt like it does when I'm overwhelmed, but I keep trying to remind myself to take it one day at a time. It's crazy, but it's doable and we are very blessed.
Isaac is doing his best to keep me light-spirited. He's currently in the kitchen doing the dishes and singing Hakuna Matata at the top of his lungs. I love him. :)
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