So I've decided to start a blog.
Yes, I know I've started many before, but this one is different! I figure a married couple's blog is a lot more exciting to read than just my single person's blog.
Plus, it seems like a very wife-y thing to do, you know? Now I just need to write all about how that one casserole just didn't turn out like I wanted it to, or Mr. Olive has had some rough days at the office, but he sure loves coming home to a home-cooked meal every night. And things like that. haha
Yeah, that's not happening.
But I will be updating stuff about our lives. :) And for anyone who cares to read, hopefully I'll be better about this whole blogging thing than with previous blogs.
Anyway, I need to work on the layout a bit and make it more eye-pleasing. But beyond that, I hope you enjoy Isaac and I's blog as we begin this new chapter of our lives.